The man being referred to is Robert Hendy-Freegard, a previous vehicle sales rep who has reliably professed to be a MI5 specialist to invade the existences of various ladies and one male.

John Atkinson’s work on The Puppet Master: Hunting the Ultimate Conman is notable (2022).

He is yet to be referenced on Wikipedia. There isn’t a lot of data accessible on the web, in any case, we will refresh when we get to find out about John’s subtleties.

The Puppet Master: Hunting The Ultimate Conman is a three-section docuseries that follows a particularly striking scalawag as he maneuvers his direction toward individuals’ lives from the mid 1990s to the current day.

It is the freshest in Netflix’s line of narratives about fraudsters, is another narrative with regards to a British conman who professed to be a MI5 specialist to take almost £1 million from his casualties.

The narrative, which appeared on the stage today, interviews previous casualties and groups of the individuals who were deluded by Robert Hendy-Freegard as it explores how he bamboozled seven ladies and one man out of huge amounts of cash.

John Atkinson’s conjugal status isn’t known right now. There isn’t anything accessible on the web in regards to John.

John Atkinson was an understudy at Harper Adams Agricultural College in 1993 when the narrative was made, during a period when IRA psychological warfare in England was at its pinnacle.

Following the self destruction of a companion, a barkeep named Rob uncovered to John that he was a MI5 specialist researching the amigo’s self destruction just as a sleeper IRA cell at his school.

“One of the most jaw-dropping offerings in the true crime drama that you will see” – The Times

— RAW (@RawTVLtd) January 18, 2022

Subsequent to educating John that one regarding his flat mates was being explored, he guarantees that John, his sweetheart Sarah Smith, and their common companion Maria had to leave.

John Atkinson’s total assets is assessed to be around $100,000 – $200,000.

In any case, he has never uncovered his careful total assets freely. As referenced previously, we don’t have more data with respect to his own and expert life.

The Puppet Master hops this way and that between these courses of events, grafting together frightening stories to uncover designs.

Different ladies who succumbed to his con are steadily added to the story. There’s Kim, Renata, Elizabeth, Leslie, Solange, and perhaps a couple of other people who haven’t been named at this point.