Doubtlessly, farming locations will be part of this discovery. Farming souls may be frowned upon in some gaming circles, but let’s be honest – you absolutely need to farm sometimes in order to make it past certain areas and bosses.

The first true farming location in Dark Souls III can be found near the Farron Keep area. Look for the bonfire near Farron Keep Perimeter. It can be quite a pain getting there, so allow me to walk you through the dreaded poison swamp that surrounds it.


Poison Swamp/Farron Keep

This area can be quite nasty, and the swamp is poisonous, so be sure to have some purple moss clump consumables at the ready. The objective in the swamp is to put out three flames that are located in these chimneys. Once that has been done, these large stone doors will open up and this path will lead you to the Abyss Watchers boss area if you keep following along. There will be some enemies ahead that aren’t too dangerous, so take care of them and come to the long narrow path with more enemies ahead. If you look to your right, there should be a stone structure with a passage leading to a bonfire. Welcome to the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire. It is here where you will farm for Souls.


Farron Keep Perimeter/How to farm for Souls


Go ahead and light the bonfire, refilling your flasks and what not. Once you have sorted yourself out, go the opposite way you came in and there will be three of the Ghru enemies. Killing all three of them will net you a little over 1,000 Souls. Moving past these three enemies will lead you to a door that opens up a shortcut to the Road of Sacrifices. Head back to the Farron Keep perimeter bonfire and rest. This will respawn the previous three Grhu enemies, allowing you to kill them over and over again. That is how you farm souls in this area of the game.



I know, not the most exciting stuff, but it is absolutely necessary and this may be the safest place to farm in the entire game. Who knows, maybe someone will stumble upon a better area to farm but this is a pretty early point in the game where farming can be vital.


Dark Souls III is out now on PS4, Xbox One and PC.