Surprisingly, Steam is full of CCGs. Some are free to play, like Krosmaga, while others require a bit of IRL buy-in. The following are 9 other games to shuffle through on Steam.


SolForge is created by the developers of Magic: The Gathering and Ascension. Focused on leveling, cards gain experience and transform as they are played. There are a variety of events throughout the week. These events vary from structured deck tournaments to draft tournaments. There are different play modes available as well.

Magic Duels

Magic Duels is a free to play platform for Magic: The Gathering. This makes it the perfect way for new players to play the high card game without investing a large amount of time to learn the game. Decks are usually comprised of 1-2 colors with each color corresponding to a type of deck. Lands, creatures, and spells are the types of cards used to build a deck.


Faeria is a combination board and card game available for free on Steam and iOS. Placing lands and using various types of elemental restrictions, along with various creature abilities, makes this game both unique and challenging.

Chronicle: RuneScape Legends

Chronicle: RuneScape Legends takes the traditional card game and fuses it with RPG elements. Focusing on customization through character leveling instead of just the variants in deck building, the focus is on sequences of cards versus board control.

HEX: Shards of Fate

Hex: Shards of Fate also combines card and RPG elements. However, the RPG elements come in the form of exploring dungeons. Decks can be augmented with items called socketing gems and different champions have disparate skills, making them unique. Tournaments occur daily, where players can win prizes, making it great for competitive gamers.


Yomi is a fighting game in card form. There are 10 characters to pick from with various moves and combos. Survival mode squares players off against AI opponents until they lose. Available for cross-platform play, players can face off against opponents from the iOS or web version when playing through Steam. 

Infinity Wars: Animated Trading Card Game

Infinity Wars has spiced up its gameplay by animating each of its cards in 3D. The grind for cards is also easier in this game. Players earn cards simply by logging in. Turns are taken simultaneously, which requires foresight and extensive strategy when playing.


Shardbound is an Early Access tactical card game that combines board and CCG mechanics. Use the terrain to gain advantages over the enemy to establish a Noble House. The game features integration, allowing players who are watching a Shardbound stream to have access to special Twitch objectives.

Ironclad Tactics

Ironclad Tactics is another game that needs money in order to play. Paying for the game up front, there are no microtransactions, meaning all players on are level playing field when it comes to earning cards. The interactive novel campaign portion is set in a steampunk Civil War and grants players cards as they play through the story.

Which CCG are you most intrigued by? Have you played any of them before? Tell us your thoughts below!