In fact, as of this writing, Apex Legends is pulling in almost 300k viewers on Twitch, beating out League of Legends, Dota 2, and Fortnite by 150k viewers or more on average.

Astute Twitch viewers might notice that while some of these streams are just general gameplay streams, others are already focusing on tournaments. In fact, one streamer we stumbled upon is associated with Cloud 9 and seems to be focusing on Apex Legends exclusively.

However, that makes sense considering Respawn is working with Twitch on the Twitch Rivals Apex Legends Challenge, which had its first even on February 12 on the Apex Legends Twitch Channel. The events will pit 48 of Twitch Apex streamers against each other for their chance at glory; another event is scheduled for February 19, although it is unclear if this will be an ongoing event.

Although some of the streamers chosen to compete may actually be part of the list in this post, that’s not why we chose them for inclusion here. In fact, we purposefully avoided Ninja because we know you’re familiar with him. 

So, what did we look for while compiling this list? We wanted streamers who have a solid following and who seem to be playing Apex Legends as more than just a one-off. We also looked for streamers who saved some of their gameplay videos so you could learn from them to become a better Apex player. 


CouRageJD is a former Call of Duty esports caster and, judging from his Twitch metrics page, a fairly prolific Fortnite player. But, for the past week, he’s been going all in on Apex Legends.

Since starting with the game, he’s been concentrating on playing as Wraith, the interdimensional skirmisher. From what I’ve watched of his stream, he’s a great streamer to learn from. In fact, some of his enemy takedowns have been pretty impressive.

It helps that he’s also generally fun to watch based on his interactions with his teammates.


AnneMunition is a bit of a variety streamer, although she seems to have an affinity for shooters. Her video archive is full of myriad games ranging from sims to survival to, of course, shooters.

Like others in this list, she’s a fan of Overwatch and Rainbow Six: Siege, so it shouldn’t be surprising she’d give Apex Legends a try.

That said, I’m not sure she’ll be as dedicated an Apex Legends player as some of the other streamers in this list. But, for now, she seems pretty into it. 


A_Seagull is all about shooters. With a video archive featuring Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, Anthem, and Rainbow: Six Siege, it’s no surprise that he’s decided to hop into Apex Legends for a while.

It should also be no surprise that he’s great at the game, especially since he formerly played TF2 and Overwatch professionally. Now that he’s no longer living the competitive pro-life, he’s a full-time streamer, which means viewers can expect to learn a lot while watching his Apex streams. 


KingRichard is another Fortnite player who’s decided to spend some time in Apex Legends. He does, however, dabble in other games from time to time. Included in his video archive are streams for the most recent Spider-Man game and Black Desert Online.

He’s also a part of NRG Esports, and is generally an entertaining streamer to watch.


In a bit of a twist, DisguisedToast is actually a Hearthstone player who’s decided to test the Apex Legends waters. 

He’s one of the people that’s been chosen to be part of the Apex Legends challenge on Twitch, so his time in the game may be fairly temporary.

That said, he’s an entertaining streamer, constantly vocal and engaged. He’s also a pretty good shot. If you’re looking to up your shooter game, it’s worth tuning in. 


dakotaz is primarily a Fortnite player, and may likely go back to spending his time there. But, since Apex Legends launched, he’s been spending almost all of his stream time in the game.

According to his twitter, dakotaz is a big fan of both games, so it seems likely fans can expect to see both in his streaming lineup for a while. That’s good news for anyone looking for a stream with not only entertaining gameplay but fun chatter.


dizzy is a former Counter-Strike player and a member of NRG Esports. Among those currently streaming Apex Legends, dizzy’s the only one that has declared the game their current main.

What this means is that when everyone else might trickle off following the tournaments and other launch hype, dizzy may be the go-to source for Apex Legends streaming.

And there we have it, seven Apex Legends streamers you’ll want to check out.

Of course, this may change over time as the game gets settled and out of the early hype stage. But for those of you looking to check out the game early, you can’t go wrong with one of these streams.

Be sure to head over to our Apex Legends guides page for our growing list of tips articles and lists, from best and worst guns to our beginner’s strategies, we’re adding new guides weekly.