A Boeing B-17 Flying Fortification and a Chime P-63 Ruler Cobra, both from Houston, impacted and crashed during the Wings Over Dallas aviation expo at the Dallas Chief Air terminal.


Six individuals were locally available the two planes at the hour of the accident, CBS News revealed, refering to the Dedicatory Aviation based armed forces.

Each of the six travelers were killed, Dallas Province Judge Dirt Jenkins said in a tweet.

“As indicated by our Dallas Region Clinical Inspector, there are a sum of 6 fatalities from the previous Wings over Dallas flying demonstration episode.

Specialists will keep working today on the examination and distinguishing proof of the departed. Kindly appeal to God for their families and all included,” he said.

In an explanation to neighborhood station WFAA, the Government Flying Organization shared that the accident occurred at 1:20 p.m. Realistic video shared via virtual entertainment shows the second the two planes impacted. Dallas City chairman Eric Johnson affirmed the news on Twitter, referring to it as “a horrendous misfortune.”

“The recordings are grievous,” Johnson shared. “Kindly, say a request for the spirits who took to the sky to engage and instruct our families today.”

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) November 12, 2022

Additionally, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz shared that he and his significant other, Heidi, wanted to ask “for those included.”

“The pictures of this crash are amazingly upsetting and we appeal to God for the security of everybody on the scene,” Cruz composed.

Live film from station WFAA and photographs on Twitter shows the result of the accident, with flotsam and jetsam lying both out and about and in the fields of the air terminal itself.

WFAA’s Jason Whitely revealed that garbage from the accident fell on Expressway 67.

The Dallas Morning News detailed that Saturday marked the second day of what was expected to be a three-day show for Veterans Day weekend.

Occasions were planned from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, however Friday’s show was dropped because of the climate.